The trip consisted of Travis (groom and guide), Dan (reverend and guide), Brad (brother of groom and bestman), Cullen (groomsmen and the guy who yelled "shit"), and Matt (groomsman and the Alaskan).
The first day the crew navigated the class V waterfall known as Rainie Falls! What ensued?
As you can see, the expeditionaries had their line tampered with by the guy who yelled "shit" (a.k.a Cullen) when he should have been paddling. However, the crew did not spontaneously combust or die like the many drunken red-neck entertuber with out a lifevest has.
The second day the crew navigated the mile long class V cataracts of Mule Creek Canyon, The Coffee Pot/Tea Kettle, and Blossom Bar. The crew hand minimal issues with Mule Creek Canyon and The Coffee Pot/Tea Kettle. However, the expedition had slight issues with negotiating bolder sieves in Blossom Bar and half of the crew rafted and barely escaped the deadly grip of the picket fence hells fury of the dangerous class V+/VI rapid. (note - there are no pictures of this line because the expedition was to scared, tired, hungover and crying for their mothers to snap any photos. Please except Team Kettle's deepest appologies.)
Day Three was pull-out day and the the crew was excited about their survival.
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